IBHSE is an internationally renowned and progressive awarding body serving since 2008. To deliver IBHSE qualifications worldwide, you must become a IBHSE learning partner. All IBHSE qualifications, including online courses, are exclusively delivered by its authorized learning partners.
Become an Approved Training Partner
Any organization has the opportunity to qualify as an Approved Testing Partner (ATP) by demonstrating compliance with the IBHSE standards for testing delivery, evaluation, and quality assurance essential for certifications. Our Director of Trainings will assess all submitted applications for initial approval status. Upon approval, an invoice of a one-time fee amounting to 1000 USD will be issued for ATP status. We aim to streamline the partnership process, ensuring ATP recognition is granted within seven (7) days from the payment date.
Application to become ATP
The purpose of the ATP application form is to provide IBHSE with general information about an organization applying for ATP, such as contact information, type of organization, awarding bodies currently recognizing the center, and details about the premises. As part of the application process, centers will be required to submit a completed application form and a list of pertinent policies. After submission (online), The application form and policies will be sent via email to info@ibhse.com If you wish to become an approved learning center with IBHSE , you must follow a step-by-step registration procedure.
Complete the enquiry form below:
Details of learning centre
Upon receipt of the inquiry form, we’ll reach out via email to gather the necessary information. Following submission of the application form, IBHSE will conduct an initial ATP assessment of your organization. This involves a desk-based review to confirm your organization’s registration status and compliance with relevant authorities, as well as to check for any history of malpractice. Once this assessment is successfully completed, an invoice of USD 1000 will be issued as a one-time payment for ATP authorization.
IBHSE Agreement
The ATP will receive a contract from IBHSE for review and signature, outlining the roles and responsibilities of both parties. Following ATP approval, a Centre Accolade Pack will be provided, including the Approved Testing Partner (ATP) certificate, IBHSE certification requirements, policies, guidelines for logo usage, marketing collateral, and more