In our relentless pursuit of our mission to offer a comprehensive and equitable educational program catering to professionals in workplace safety, the International Board Health & Safety Executives (IBHSE) upholds a rigorous policy and procedural framework. This framework is meticulously crafted to ensure steadfast impartiality in the administration of the IBHSE Certification Program.

The IBHSE, along with its Certification Personnel and staff, acknowledges the paramount significance of impartiality and the prevention of conflicts of interest in overseeing certification activities. In all interactions with both members and non-members, every individual involved in the certification process pledges to uphold the highest ethical standards and steer clear of any conflicts of interest in fulfilling their duties. They are committed to refraining from any actions or commitments that might give rise to perceptions of bias concerning applicants, candidates, certified professionals, demographic factors, financial matters, or commercial interests. The Certification Board (IBHSE), Certification Personnel, and IBHSE staff consistently evaluate and document any potential risks to their impartiality.

Precision in Safety, Excellence in Work

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